European Commission EU Science Hub SE


Source profiles for Europe database

Specie: 468 - Gallium


Profile Country Site Test year Type
55 - Asphalt Concrete Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
29 - Blast furnace Poland Krakow 2005 O
33 - Boiler coal Fired <5MW Poland Krakow 2005 O
35 - Boiler Fuel Oil Fired 5MW Poland Krakow 2005 O
49 - Brakes Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
53 - Brakes Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
32 - Cement kiln (coal fired) Poland Krakow 2005 O
25 - Closed fireplace coal combustion Poland Krakow 2005 O
26 - Closed fireplace wood combustion Poland Krakow 2005 O
34 - Coke plant fugitive emissions Poland Krakow 2005 O
58 - Copper beneficiation Spain Huelva 2001 O
63 - Copper beneficiation Spain Huelva 2001 O
47 - Exhaust Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
51 - Exhaust Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
56 - Fertilizer production Spain Huelva 2001 O
276 - Industrial roads Spain Cordoba, Seville, Algecyras Bay, Malaga, Granada 2012 O
30 - Iron ore sinterplant Poland Krakow 2005 O
277 - Near by works Spain Cordoba, Seville, Algecyras Bay, Malaga, Granada 2012 O
252 - Olive pit Portugal Aveiro 2014 O
248 - Pellets type I Portugal Aveiro 2014 O
249 - Pellets type II Portugal Aveiro 2014 O
250 - Pellets type III Portugal Aveiro 2014 O
251 - Pellets type IV Portugal Aveiro 2014 O
59 - Petrochemical and TiO2 production Spain Huelva 2001 O
64 - Petrochemical and TiO2 production Spain Huelva 2001 O
57 - Phosphate derivatives Spain Huelva 2001 O
62 - Phosphate derivatives Spain Huelva 2001 O
60 - Phosphate slurry wastes Spain Huelva 2001 O
65 - Phosphate slurry wastes Spain Huelva 2001 O
278 - Poor state of pavement Spain Cordoba, Seville, Algecyras Bay, Malaga, Granada 2012 O
31 - Power plant Industial,coke gas (and coal) combustion Poland Krakow 2005 O
27 - Powerplant coal combustion Poland Krakow 2005 O
28 - Powerplant industial,coal (and coke gas) combustion Poland Krakow 2005 O
37 - Production of fire proof material for steel production (natural gas) Poland Krakow 2005 O
61 - Pyrite ash resuspension and fertilizer Spain Huelva 2001 O
66 - Pyrite ash resuspension and fertilizer Spain Huelva 2001 O
48 - Road Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
52 - Road Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
50 - Salt Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
54 - Salt Denmark Copenhagen 2003 D
210 - Ship auxiliary engine at 25% load US sea 2007 O
211 - Ship auxiliary engine at 50% load US sea 2007 O
212 - Ship auxiliary engine at 75% load US sea 2007 O
213 - Ship boiler US sea 2007 O
205 - Ship main engine at 13% load US sea 2007 O
206 - Ship main engine at 25% load US sea 2007 O
207 - Ship main engine at 50% load US sea 2007 O
208 - Ship main engine at 75% load US sea 2007 O
209 - Ship main engine at 85% load US sea 2007 O
36 - Steel plant basic oxygen furnace (coke) Poland Krakow 2005 O
275 - Urban roads Spain Cordoba, Seville, Algecyras Bay, Malaga, Granada 2012 O