Source Apportionment
A communication and dissemination website targeted to air quality experts and authorities involved in air quality management

About this website

Facilitate the dissemination of information, data and results from different source apportionment studies at all levels

What and why

This website is a communication and dissemination tool targeted to air quality experts and authorities involved in air quality management interested in the output of source apportionment studies to develop air quality plans.

The aim of this Website is to facilitate the dissemination of information and data for and results from different source apportionment studies at all levels of application, including electronic interfaces, databases, workshops, seminars and common projects/activities.

One of the main features of the websites is the database SPECIEUROPE which contains valuable information to support source apportionments studies in Europe.

This European Reference Website for Source Apportionment is linked to the FAIRMODE Working Group 1 on Source Apportionment to support air quality management and to the CEN TC265/ WG 44 “Ambient Air – Source apportionment”.


This website includes some general sections:

JRC initiative on source apportionment

In order to improve the comparability of results from different approaches and to constrain the output's uncertainty, the JRC launched an initiative for the harmonisation of source apportionment, initially focused on receptor models in collaboration with the European networks in the field of air quality modelling (FAIRMODE) and measurements (AQUILA).

Since 2010, workshops involving experts from different European research groups gathered once a year to present new developments in the field, discuss about controversial aspects of receptor models, present the progress of the activities and plan future work. Later on, the activity converged in FAIRMODE WG3 (now WG1) and was extended to source oriented models.

The activities carried out were: