European Commission EU Science Hub SE


Source profiles for Europe database

Profile: 399 - Seasalt

Source categoriesmarine, all sources
SitePorte de Bouc
Test year2016
ReferenceWeber et al., 2019,
NotesPMF results
Sampling MethodsConstrained PMF5
Uncertainty Notesstandard deviation of the PMF bootstrap


  Relative Mass Uncertainty Analytical Method Uncertainty Method
292 - Aluminum 0 0.00159756380058 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
296 - Antimony 0 0.000001963798367 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
298 - Arsenic 0 0.000006254509652 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
300 - Barium 0 0.000025713067781 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
328 - Cadmium 0 0.000012776996813 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
337 - Chloride ion 0.373765638429949 0.073204084208328 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
347 - Chromium 0.000017939069812 0.000030779483422 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
379 - Cobalt 0 0.000001696280984 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
380 - Copper 0.000099150033426 0.000086809428769 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
488 - Iron 0.013078980040111 0.019754161509568 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
520 - Lead 0.000283163021679 0.000436839365752 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
526 - Manganese 0.000280431668418 0.000397543529812 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
612 - Nickel 0.00001006207621 0.000030243559689 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
613 - Nitrate 0.036988826282113 0.015782878704578 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
626 - Organic carbon 0.112396141724764 0.034799022465259 TOT thermal optical analysis EUSAAR2 protocol standard deviation
689 - Rubidium 0.000024479037341 0.000035647813405 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
693 - Selenium 0.000019324801834 0.000013161080819 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
697 - Strontium 0.000070596886639 0.000043830567215 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
699 - Sulfate 0 0.018363961631334 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
714 - Tin 0 0.00000991813292 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
715 - Titanium 0.000125355744437 0.00012519210969 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
767 - Vanadium 0.000083151561455 0.000104703263785 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
778 - Zinc 0.000173020723904 0.000673616902062 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
784 - Ammonium 0 0.007749858719543 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
785 - Sodium ion 0.197832107726101 0.039664688478987 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
797 - Elemental Carbon 0.04636424410276 0.027190013566355 TOT thermal optical analysis EUSAAR2 protocol standard deviation
955 - Levoglucosan 0 0.000658815052755 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
1862 - Cesium 0 0.000008073359596 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
2302 - Potassium ion 0.008501957788177 0.004080308843175 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2303 - Calcium ion 0.01960653232738 0.01286606290831 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2750 - Mannosan 0.000014000573011 0.000038029762414 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
2772 - Magnesium ion 0.014856269697259 0.00366821006505 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2806 - Sorbitol 0.000914649985675 0.000202366947285 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
3017 - Methanesulfonic acid 0 0 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation