European Commission EU Science Hub SE


Source profiles for Europe database

Profile: 379 - Road traffic

NameRoad traffic
Source categoriestraffic, all sources
Test year2014
ReferenceWeber et al., 2019,
NotesPMF results
Sampling MethodsConstrained PMF5
Uncertainty Notesstandard deviation of the PMF bootstrap


  Relative Mass Uncertainty Analytical Method Uncertainty Method
292 - Aluminum 0.015765977764136 0.006723977459098 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
296 - Antimony 0.000182995702885 0.000041577591135 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
298 - Arsenic 0.000087285996862 0.000018976625846 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
300 - Barium 0.001473501125435 0.000254306255005 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
328 - Cadmium 0.00002972921356 0.000008038846891 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
337 - Chloride ion 0 0.004520218480029 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
379 - Cobalt 0.000024429438647 0.000004734275653 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
380 - Copper 0.002001057226656 0.000483170829297 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
488 - Iron 0.061653366073256 0.013577299437154 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
519 - Lanthanum 0.000023296500921 0.000003622217638 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
520 - Lead 0.001280608416888 0.000317266405525 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
526 - Manganese 0.001263488165882 0.000211180499847 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
586 - Molybdenum 0.000147653638906 0.000036788012571 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
612 - Nickel 0.000238496691904 0.00007110993429 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
613 - Nitrate 0.117696610053884 0.067947064855545 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
626 - Organic carbon 0.16487620216902 0.048471550306289 TOT thermal optical analysis EUSAAR2 protocol standard deviation
689 - Rubidium 0.000078739512994 0.000013073321474 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
693 - Selenium 0.000130683445877 0.000023066841142 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
697 - Strontium 0.000266178978242 0.000044441123267 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
699 - Sulfate 0 0.020415005904033 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
715 - Titanium 0.001587238251142 0.000264070646885 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
767 - Vanadium 0.000225813382443 0.000041167046511 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
778 - Zinc 0.004182184025646 0.000923640446306 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
784 - Ammonium 0.007732419343837 0.012173983015847 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
785 - Sodium ion 0 0.00023973262031 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
797 - Elemental Carbon 0.049781733851715 0.01741504841944 TOT thermal optical analysis EUSAAR2 protocol standard deviation
955 - Levoglucosan 0 0 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
1862 - Cesium 0.000005305231567 0.000001110622939 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
2302 - Potassium ion 0.000744219357479 0.000990572854345 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2303 - Calcium ion 0.023223518177478 0.003861275334999 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2750 - Mannosan 0 0 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
2772 - Magnesium ion 0.001520496555487 0.000453789546273 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2806 - Sorbitol 0 0 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
3017 - Methanesulfonic acid 0 0.000216879156332 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation