European Commission EU Science Hub SE


Source profiles for Europe database

Profile: 369 - Sulfate rich

NameSulfate rich
Source categoriesSIA, ammonium sulfate, all sources
Test year2014
ReferenceWeber et al., 2019,
NotesPMF results
Sampling MethodsConstrained PMF5
Uncertainty Notesstandard deviation of the PMF bootstrap


  Relative Mass Uncertainty Analytical Method Uncertainty Method
296 - Antimony 0.000050162892332 0.000019695620605 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
298 - Arsenic 0.000032671169382 0.000015630526432 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
328 - Cadmium 0.00000986094557 0.00000256277374 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
337 - Chloride ion 0.011761091246193 0.00444113191552 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
379 - Cobalt 0.000008203681632 0.000003450898546 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
380 - Copper 0.000392689709972 0.000238940984729 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
488 - Iron 0.00965699907297 0.006249864903179 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
519 - Lanthanum 0.000006746391206 0.000003011076592 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
520 - Lead 0.000526287908886 0.000111220413055 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
526 - Manganese 0.000249723215468 0.000155816005575 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
612 - Nickel 0 0.000056809907552 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
613 - Nitrate 0 0.064454424561666 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
626 - Organic carbon 0.173720037081181 0.031394303514639 TOT thermal optical analysis EUSAAR2 protocol standard deviation
689 - Rubidium 0.000031254138525 0.000007031634963 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
693 - Selenium 0.00005245133095 0.000016980171271 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
697 - Strontium 0.000040927029533 0.000029462675336 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
699 - Sulfate 0.320566812342736 0.059057461740117 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
778 - Zinc 0.001392795656204 0.000380984030055 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
784 - Ammonium 0.131399814594094 0.026389836475669 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
785 - Sodium ion 0 0.009004149724996 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
797 - Elemental Carbon 0.014915640312541 0.012147056061705 TOT thermal optical analysis EUSAAR2 protocol standard deviation
955 - Levoglucosan 0.001905601907032 0.000946150876618 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
1862 - Cesium 0.000002749834459 0.000000812399842 ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry standard deviation
2302 - Potassium ion 0.003989405376771 0.001015549310802 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2303 - Calcium ion 0.003389219970865 0.004496185604651 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2750 - Mannosan 0 0.000050257335 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
2772 - Magnesium ion 0.000061493841875 0.00103968893025 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation
2806 - Sorbitol 0 0 HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection standard deviation
3017 - Methanesulfonic acid 0.000525016554099 0.000387715480656 IC, Ion chromatography standard deviation